If you have found an injured animal and you require immediate assistance, please contact:
Get in Touch
24 Hour Contacts
HAR Postal Address
HAR Primary Contacts
Hunter Animal Rescue is only staffed by volunteers and since we do not have a shelter, all work is conducted from our own homes. As most of us work full-time, we are unable to answer personal phone calls during the day so the quickest way to gain a response is to send an email to the most relevant person and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For Business Matters, Animal Matters or Complaints | enquiry@hunteranimalrescue.com.au |
For Promotional Matters | promotions@har.org.au |
For Volunteering Matters | volunteers@har.org.au |
Hunter Animal Rescue works primarily with local pounds and the RSPCA where animals in need are transferred to our foster care. If you wish to obtain help in rehoming your animal privately please click here if you need help rehoming your pet.