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Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Age: 17/10/24
Sex: Female
Location: Windermere Park
Adoption Fee: $500
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24414, C24416
Suitable as an Only Cat: No
Child Friendly: Unknown
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Medium
Preferred Human Interaction: We need lots of love and affection!
Level of Grooming Required: Low
All About Me and My Unique Personality: **Please read all the information about Vera prior to applying to adopt.
Vera (Grey and ginger) and Violet (grey, ginger & white) are two affectionate sisters who need to stay together as Vera is a 'special needs' cat and relies on Violet.
Vera has a condition called Rotary Nystagmus, which can be caused by vestibular disease, brain tumour, infection of the brain, or a genetic defect. We do not know the underlying cause of Vera's condition and are very unsure as to how this will impact her in the future.
Her vet has done some tests and thinks it could be the genetic type however, he cannot guarantee if there are any underlying issues that will require investigation and treatment in the future, or if she will have a shorter lifespan.
Vera lives a perfectly happy life as any other kitten her age does. There are signs that her vision has diminished a bit, hence why she relies on Violet to follow around and guide her at times when she is unsure.
Vera is a sweet natured kitten. When her name is called, she greets you with the biggest meow. She loves her humans! She is a big purr machine that enjoys snuggling up beside her humans in bed and giving them kisses.
Violet is a loving, sweet natured girl who loves to give cuddles and kisses, but also likes to play rough. Just like Vera, she loves to curl up beside her humans in bed. She too is a big purr machine, and when she needs a cuddle, will walk up to your hand and gives it a gentle tap, which means, "Pick me up please'.
My Ideal Home: Vera and Violet will only go to a home where their new family understands all of Vera's needs and what the future might hold for her, and the costs that may come with that.
They need a family that will love them forever, and be willing to let them snuggle up on their beds at night and purr in their
ears, or wake them with kitten kisses.
They are to be indoor only cats for their entire lives to keep them safe from dangers outside.
What is Known About My Background: Vera and Violet were born in care and had to be removed from their mum at 4 weeks due to her being quite sick.
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Vera and Violet love other cats and love to play with the resident dogs. They just have to be reminded about using their 'gentle' hands.
They have not had any interaction with young children however, due to the possibility of Vera's condition deteriorating, they would be best to not go to a home with young children.
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