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Breed: DSH - Black
Age: 15/06/2024
Sex: Male
Location: Rathmines
Adoption Fee: $250
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24307
Suitable as an Only Cat: Yes
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Acitve
Preferred Human Interaction: Loves everyone
Level of Grooming Required: very little
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Shadow is a playful little kitten with a sleek, dark coat that perfectly matches his name. He has a boundless energy that keeps him darting around the house, chasing after toys and anything that moves. Despite his lively spirit, Shadow has a gentle side, often curling up in the sun or a quiet spot, purring contentedly. He is perfectly happy with dogs and kids, happily engaging in their playful antics and soaking up all the attention they give him. Shadow's affectionate nature and playful charm make him a sweet wee boy.
My Ideal Home: Would be fine as an only pet, but he also loves playing with his brother. He is happy with dogs, noise, and kids, so would happily fit into existing pets given a nice introduction. He is vocal and purrs loudly when we arrive home and smooches around our legs...then he's off ready to play.
What is Known About My Background: Found in the bush, but were not feral
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Very happy with kids rushing around and being loud, loves to chase kids when they have fun toys to play with, happily lets them pick him up but will tell them if they aren't being gentle. Has interacted with a red cattle dog very well, and happily went to other adult cats in the home.
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