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Breed: DSH - Tabby
Age: 15/06/2024
Sex: Female
Location: Rathmines
Adoption Fee: $250
Rescue Organisation Number: R251000048
Number: C24308
Suitable as an Only Cat: Yes
Child Friendly: Yes
Cat Friendly: Yes
Dog Friendly: Yes
Litter Trained: Yes
Activity Level: Active
Preferred Human Interaction: Loves everyone
Level of Grooming Required: very little
All About Me and My Unique Personality: Bunny is a sweet and affectionate female tabby cat with a soft, striped coat and a personality as warm as her purrs. She's incredibly friendly and has a special fondness for our dog and is often smooching all over her, wanting to be best friends. Bunny is also vocal, always meowing or chirping to communicate with anyone who will listen, making sure her presence is known. Her avid purring when she greets you in the morning is heartwarming as she slinkis around your legs loving lots of pats Bunny's loving nature and her eagerness to connect make her a beloved companion who will be a lovely addition to your family.
My Ideal Home: She love kids, dogs and the two adult cats she's living with, she's ok with noise and a loud home, and will take herself off for a sleep when tired, she prefers to play with a person rather than her two brothers, and is very independent from them. She would be happy with other animals in the home as she is very social.
What is Known About My Background: dumbed in the bush, not feral
How Do I Interact with Kids, Dogs, Cats and Other Pets: Very social girl who loves other animals and happily smooches all over them, loves playing with kids!
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